graph·ic de·sign ˈɡrafik dəˈzīn,dēˈzīn/ noun noun: graphic design the art or skill of combining text and pictures in advertisements, magazines, or books. A successful graphic designer will have the qualities of good communication, curiosity, passion and drive, openess to ideas, problem solving skills, patience and then reliability. Along with these traits it is also necessary to have the experience and knowledge to take concept to final print successfully. We at KJ Graphico have these abilities and experience to get your ideas from vision to concept to final product.
Let us help you create a brand identity that you are proud of! We will create a brand that will set you apart from the rest with a unique and custom logo.
Print Marketing
Looking for a consistent brand across all media? We are here to help. Let us help you create business cards, rack cards, brochures, direct mail marketing that all stays in line with your brand.
Package Design
Package design is full of possibilities! Let us help you brainstorm, research, and create unique systems to help you stand out on the shelf.